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For the next 21 days, join us in the experience of a lifetime as we rekindle the flame and hear the voice of GOD through his Word. Maybe at one time you were excited about God and were full of His life. But now, if you’re honest, you know other things have grabbed your attention, and your heart has hardened to the joy and freshness you once felt. Or maybe you are far from God and struggling with addictive behaviors or other issues. (While we are being honest, is there really anyone who does not have issues?) No matter the circumstance, you can overcome and gain a lasting and thriving relationship with GOD. It is time to be awakened.
Many important figures of the Bible, like David, Elijah, Esther, Hannah, Paul, and Jesus, fasted. When Jesus taught on fasting, He said, “When you fast,” (Mathew 6:16) not “If you fast.” This statement lets us know that Jesus expected His followers to include fasting in their lives.
Fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons.
Benefits of Fasting
Helps us overcome the calamities of life.
It is the Biblical way of humbling ourselves before God in times of adversity. For
example, Esther fasted when faced with danger (Esther 4:16). In Ezra 8:21-28, we
read that Ezra fasted for protection. Lastly, in the time of the invasion of the armies
of the Canaanites and Syrians, Jehoshaphat fasted (2 Chronicles 20:3). Fasting can
be the refuge we run to when faced with calamity, just as these men and women
in the Bible did.
Renews our connection with God.
If you have been feeling like your desire for God is dying out, try fasting. You’ll
notice that it is the spark that will ignite a fresh hunger within you for the presence
of God.
Empowers us to fulfill God’s calling in our life.
In the Old Testament, most people fasted during a crisis, but Jesus fasted for his
calling. In Luke, Anna was fasting for the coming of the redemption of Israel.
Fasting during crises is essential, but we should also fast for our purpose. God uses
this time to help us uncover the purpose for which we were created.
Defeat the devil.
The Scripture mentions a time when Jesus’ disciples could not cast out a demon.
Jesus responded, “This kind does not leave, but with prayer and fasting. ” Fasting
has the power to help break bonds of wickedness, undo heavy burdens, and
empower us to break every yoke.
Today’s Prayer
Father, thank You for showing us the importance of fasting. Help me to practice this spiritual discipline as part of my Christian walk. I pray this reading plan will be a blessing for my spiritual life in Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.
Psalm 35:13 KJV “But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; And my prayer returned into mine own bosom.”
Types of Fast
Full fast.
A full fast requires you to abstain from all foods and consume only liquids. With
this fast, you usually choose the length. The prompting of the Holy Spirit should
influence the number of days you choose.
Partial fast.
a. A partial fast happens from sunrise to sundown.
b. A normal fast that may be interrupted due to health or social reasons. Daniel's fast
in Daniel 10:3 is an example of a partial fast.
For example, if you wake up at 6:00 am, you might consider fasting until 5-6:00
pm. However, you have the liberty to choose how to go about doing it. You can
adjust the hours, as well as the type of restrictions. For instance, you can choose
to eat no food but drink water; you can choose to give up a single food item,
like chocolate; or do a partial day fast where you follow the Daniel-fast
Complete fast.
A Christian fast where you only consume water or liquids and abstain from all food.
Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days in Matthew 4:2.
Absolute fast.
A fast where you abstain from all food and drink. This is an exceptional measure for
exceptional circumstances, and the Scriptures indicate a short time, no more than
three days.
Corporate fast.
A fast where a church or group of people who feel God has called them to fast
together for a certain period of time.
God, give me the wisdom to choose what type of fast to partake in. I pray your Holy Spirit is my compass and strength when I fast.
Daniel 10:12-13 KJV “Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.”
How close do you feel to God? Most of us sense that there’s more to a relationship with God than what we currently are experiencing. I have observed that while the vast majority of believers start out with a lot of passion and zeal in their relationship with God, over time that enthusiasm subsides. On a day-to-day basis, their relationship with God eventually becomes passive. There are occasional bursts of excitement, but even that excitement is short-lived. Their walk with God seems to have a few highs, some lows…and a whole lot of mundane in-betweens. Does it strike you, as it has me, that there is something terribly wrong with a passionless, passive, mundane, monotonous relationship with God? Aren’t we vaguely unsettled with the idea that somehow a daily relationship with God… the God of the universe…can end up with the flavor of stale bread? The Bible is clear that our passion and spiritual fervor should be constant. (Read Romans 12:11) So why have so many Christians accepted a faith experience that is so far below what God intended for them?
A passionate, thriving relationship with God should be the norm, not the exception for every follower of Christ. Over the next 21 days your relationship with God can be awakened. Maintaining a fresh, exciting, passionate relationship with God is something we must fight to protect. Make no mistake about it—we have a real enemy who wants nothing more than for our souls to be lulled to sleep, while we think everything is okay.
Read & Study:
Romans 12:11-12 KJV
You can know God and never completely surrender your life to Him. Your sins can be forgiven, and you can be on your way to heaven, but you can still be in control.
You can add God to your life, but it can still be your life. You can still be in the driver’s seat. Prayer and fasting is about getting out of the driver’s seat and getting in the passenger seat. To truly surrender means giving God your whole life and discovering the reality, joy, peace, freedom, feelings and experiences that come with truly knowing God. We often believe this is a one-time decision, but it is a practice we must regularly engage in to keep our spiritual fervor.
God is asking you a question, “Will you let me drive? Will you give me complete control? If you want all of me, then I need all of you.” Today will you tell Jesus to have His way in your life?Is there something that you need to surrender to God today? What have you been holding on to that you need to give back to God? During your prayer time today give God the things that you have been holding onto and watch how He moves mountains in your life.
Read & Study:
Matthew 16:24 KJV
DAY 10 - JAN 10TH
DAY 11 - JAN 11TH
DAY 12 - JAN 12TH
DAY 13 - JAN 13TH
DAY 14 - JAN 14TH
DAY 15 - JAN 15TH
I find it very interesting: When God wanted to fill believers with the Holy Spirit, the most amazing filling of all, He didn’t ask them to think it all through and figure out how that was going to happen. He also didn’t force it upon them. He revealed what was in store for them and asked them to be ready, but then He asked them to create a space where it could happen.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:3-4, 6, 17-18 how we can create space. In these verses He doesn’t say, “if.” He says “when” you do these things. He assumed that, as His children, we would want to create spaces in our lives for Him to fill with His rewards. When you give, pray, or fast, you are creating space for God to do amazing things in your life.
For many, week three feels like a breakthrough week. As your body has become used to less food, you are more than likely experiencing fewer hunger pangs. Since your body has detoxified, you are most likely also experiencing less achiness and headaches. Because your body is not using as much energy to digest food, it can devote more energy into the restorative processes. During the last week you may also find you are sleeping better too. Spiritually speaking, this week can be really powerful as you find yourself in your fast zone, and your mind has made the leap to focusing more on God.
Read & Study:
Matthew 6:3-4 KJV Matthew 6:6 KJV Matthew 6:17-18 KJV
DAY 16 - JAN 16TH
DAY 17 - JAN 17TH
DAY 18 - JAN 18TH
DAY 19 - JAN 19TH
DAY 20 - JAN 20TH
DAY 21 - JAN 21ST
Final Tip - Awakening helps you stir up your slumbering soul. You’ll discover how to break out of your season of dryness or get off to a great start either in the New Year or the next season in your life. Take your faith-walk from a “going through the motions” or “have to” mindset to the stimulating, fresh “want to” experience of enjoying God’s presence—24/7.
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